Year 8 Mini Options
Please watch the subject video overviews below, to gain a clear understanding and help you make informed and sensible decisions.
Overview from each Head of Subject
The attachment at the end of this page is the Mini Options Booklet that outlines the overall process.
For further subject information, please see the course outlines in the documents below.
- Art & Design - 3D Design.pdf
- Art & Design - Fine Art.pdf
- Art & Design - Photography.pdf
- Art & Design - Textile Design.pdf
- Careers Guidance 2025-27.pdf
- Computer Science.pdf
- Dance.pdf
- Drama.pdf
- DT Fibres and Textiles.pdf
- DT Papers & Boards (Graphics).pdf
- DT Timbers (Resistant Materials).pdf
- English Language.pdf
- English Literature.pdf
- Food and Nutrition.pdf
- French or Spanish.pdf
- Geography.pdf
- History.pdf
- Mathematics.pdf
- Music.pdf
- Religious Studies.pdf
- Science.pdf