Design and Technology
The Technology faculty are committed to delivering a curriculum accessible to all which provides the broadest possible range of opportunities for students. One which will allow students to become self-motivated and confident learners, who can work independently and as part of a team. We aim to ensure that learners develop technical and practical competencies as well as the wider skills valued by employers. Our main priority is for students to be problem solvers who are not afraid of making mistakes. The faculty firmly believes that students learn best by ‘doing’ and by allowing them to experiment and take risks, in a safe and positive learning environment.
Lower school
Students in Years 7 and 8 follow the technology rotation which covers all the different disciplines within technology. The areas covered are Food Technology, Graphics, Resistant Materials, and Textiles. Students will cover all areas in both Year 7 and 8.
At the end of Year 8 students have the option to choose their area(s) of specialism which they will continue into Year 9. The technology curriculum teaches knowledge and understanding of materials and processes as well as the acquisition of practical skills.
Upper school
All students are encouraged to study ‘Food & Nutrition’ and/or ‘Design and Technology’ to GCSE examination level during Upper School. Courses currently offered are:
GCSE Design and Technology (Timbers, Papers, Boards and Textiles*)
*Students choose to specialise in a single area of interest.
The GCSE in Design and Technology enables students to understand and apply iterative design processes through which they explore, create and evaluate a range of outcomes. The qualification enables students to use creativity and imagination to design and make prototypes that solve real and relevant problems, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. It gives students opportunities to apply knowledge from other disciplines, including Mathematics, Science, Art and Design, Computing and the Humanities. Students choose to specialise in their particular area of interest.
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
The GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition enables students to develop a range of high-level practical skills and to enhance their understanding and knowledge about nutrition, food science and the provenance and environmental considerations of the food that we eat. This is achieved through regular practical work, food investigations and rigorous teaching of the theoretical aspects of food. It also provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge from other disciplines, including Mathematics, Science, Geography and Religious Studies.
L1/2 Technical Award in Food and Cookery
This qualification is the ideal springboard for students looking to continue with a career in the Hospitality and Catering industry. Students will develop a range of practical skills and will learn about a range of aspects associated with the industry. They will also study nutrition and the dietary considerations required for competent menu planning and adaption of recipes. Students also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge from other disciplines, including Mathematics, Science, Geography and Religious Studies.
Facilities and Resources
Design Technology lessons are taught in well-equipped specialist rooms supported by a dedicated technician. The classroom/workshop spaces facilitate the delivery of Design Technology and include access to laser cutters, a 3D printer, various computer-aided manufacturing equipment, high-quality sewing machines, sublimation printing systems and computer-aided design.
Food Technology lessons are taught in one of the two well-equipped Food Technology rooms and students have access to IT facilities to maximise the benefits of these in their work.
Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
We have had very successful participation in the Romsey Rotary Technology competition and are actively involved in design and make activities around the school. Students have well-established break and after school workshop access, to support and enhance their Non-Examined Assessment (NEA).
After-school cooking clubs, internal and external competitions and catering for international visitors are just some examples of the extra-curricular offers we provide for students. We also have close links with local catering colleges and hospitality venues and endeavour to arrange reciprocal visits and live demonstrations that motivate and inspire our students.
Mr Gopal is Head of Design and Technology, you can contact him through this email with the subject line marked "FAO: Mr Gopal Head of D and T".
You can follow the excellent work of the Design and Technology faculty on their Instagram accounts below: