Year 11 - Last Day Arrangements
We prefer Year 11 students to remain in school for as long as possible because we feel the majority will revise better in school than at home. Students will be required to attend all lessons up to Friday 10 June 2022. Up to that date, if students have a subject where they have done all their assessments or exams, they will still be expected to attend, but to bring revision work for subjects where they still have exams. The official ‘last day at school’ will be Monday 13 June 2022. The whole year group have a maths exam period 1 & 2, then students will spend period 3 in tutor groups to say their final farewells to their tutors and fellow tutees. Afterwards, students come together as a year group on tennis court in order to sign each other’s shirts and take part in a number of celebratory activities, before staff come together just before lunch, to clap Year 11 off site for the last time of their Mountbatten career.
From Monday 13 June 2022, students will only need to attend the lessons for the subjects where exams are still to take place. Attendance to these lessons for these subjects will still be compulsory, but students are allowed to revise at home at other times. We will write to you later with further details of arrangements.
The exam period officially finishes on Wednesday 29th of June, with the Wednesday being set aside as a ‘contingency day’, in case exam boards have to make changes to the exam timetable. Also, if any exams have to be postponed they could be arranged for any day in the exam period. Of course, we hope the timetable will run to plan without disruption, but it’s best to be prepared, so we request that you do not book any holidays until the exam period finishes after Wednesday 29 June 2022.
Year 11 - Exam Information
We have received a number of requests for exam timetables to help prepare Year 11 and support their revision planning over the Easter holidays. Individual exam timetables will be given to students in the first two weeks when we return from the Easter break.
In the meantime, you can find the timetable for all exams on our website here:
In addition to this, please find attached two letters. The first of these is a communication you should have already received from the school which is an invitation to the Prom. The second letter has information regarding how to purchase a yearbook and/or a leavers hoody. Each letter contains information regarding how to pay for these.
A reminder that the deadline for payment for all of these is Monday 2 May.
During the Easter holidays we will be sharing revision top tips for students.
We hope that all of Year 11 are able to find the right balance between revision and downtime during the Easter holidays and look forward to greeting them back on their return.