RSHE (Relationships, Sex, & Health Education) is taught by Tutors to their Tutor Group once a week. Tutors deliver discussion based lessons which allows our students to explore a range of topics to effectively prepare our young people for success in the modern world with the knowledge, understanding and desire to keep themselves safe, happy, healthy, respectful and tolerant. Our aim is to empower them with the resilience and confidence to make a difference to their own and others’ future.
This half-term Year 7 have been looking at how to lead healthy lifestyles by considering what health and fitness is before identifying the need for good food, sleep and exercise habits. Students have also explored the impacts of energy drinks and caffeine based drinks on health and fitness and the law.
Students have just started to look at the body’s physical changes during puberty and this will continue after half-term. They will then move onto the importance of sleep and the benefits of good sleep hygiene. The half-term will then finish with a look at how the virtual world can impact how you feel about yourself and what behaviours are and are not appropriate online.
This half-term Year 8 have been exploring the benefits of healthy lifestyles and good physical health as well as how to maintain positive mental health and wellbeing when using social media. Media bias and different media sources has also been covered so we can encourage students to consider what influences they may be exposed to and how they can start to consider the validity of information.
Next half-term Year 8 are looking at mental health and wellbeing and different ways of coping or managing their feelings and emotions. They are encouraged to identify what strategies they respond positively to and why self-care is important.
Year 9 started the New Year considering what supports healthy living and how they can lead a healthy lifestyle. They have then considered what body image is and how this can be influenced and affected by internal and external factors. This then led onto covering mental health and wellbeing. Year 9 have explored what mental health is, what the different stages of mental health are and what strategies can support good mental health and wellbeing.
Next half-term Year 9 move onto completing a practical workshop on Emergency First Aid. The students who demonstrate a good practical understanding of the emergency aid will be certificated through St John’s Ambulance. This half-term also includes the topic of consent and how to avoid assumptions as well as freedom and capacity to consent. The law around consent and intimate relationships is shared with students also.
Year 10 started the term with a recap on healthy living and positive lifestyle choices.
They then went on to identify what a role model is and how this can support personal progress and decision-making. This then led into exploring the impacts of drug and alcohol use. This will continue into the next half-term before they start to prepare for their work experience placements.
Year 11 recapped healthy living before moving onto some practical emergency aid training. Students who engaged well with the sessions and demonstrated good practical understanding of CPR will be certificated by St John’s ambulance.
Students have also explored contraception and sexual health. The different methods of contraception and their efficacy have provided to ensure students are as informed. Students have been signposted to some external agencies that offer support. Youth In Romsey offer support and guidance and information can be found on their website, where details of further services can also be found, as well as what they offer.
Next half-term, students will prepare for mock exams and then revisit consent, explore coercion and consider risky behaviours.
Should your child wish to seek support in any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot' where students can report anonymously or with their name.
Other local support can be found at Youth In Romsey and No Limits
Childline also offer a range of support and resources.
Part of the healthy living topics include discussing the need for good sleep habits. Support with teenage sleep can be found at Teen Sleep Hub which is part of The Sleep Charity.
To support with children’s mental health and wellbeing please visit Place2Be's Website.