Every week, as teachers, we make dozens of decisions about school life including: what we teach and when, how we assess progress, how we make sure behaviour is good and the extra-curricular activities we offer. We make all these decisions with the best interests of students at heart.
At our school we value the opinions and insights of our students in shaping these decisions. We run regular Student Voice activities - listening to students and making sure they feel able to influence positive change. These activities happen at tutor, class, year group, faculty and whole school level.
This term one example of Student Voice has been a weekly Headteacher Consultation Meeting for Year 9 and Year 11. Each tutor group has sent a representative group of six students to discuss their experience of life at Mountbatten with a senior leader. These meetings have been an absolute delight - our students are polite, articulate, insightful and very proud of their school. Their feedback has been most valuable and will inform our plans for this year and beyond.
If your child would like to be involved in Student Voice, please ask them to speak to me. We want every Mountbatten student to be heard.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 5 December
Nothing advised
Tuesday 6 December
Nothing advised
Wednesday 7 December
Nothing advised
Thursday 8 December
Nothing advised
Friday 9 December
Indoor Athletics in the Mountbatten Sports Hall 1.00pm - 4.00pm
INSET Days for 2022/23
Monday 20 February 2023
Monday 19 June 2023
Friday 21 July 2023
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
Wellbeing for Winter
As winter draws near and days get shorter and colder, it can be easy to let
this affect your mood. However, it is important to look after yourself and
your well-being over the winter months, finding ways to keep your spirits
high and look after your health. Read some top tips via the button below.
Direct4logos will be closing on Thursday 22 December at 4.30pm and will re-open on Tuesday 3 January at 9.30am.
Romsey Food Bank Collection
On Friday 9 December, several Year 11 students who have been working with Personal Best Education will be collecting food for Romsey Foodbank. Any donations you can make will be a great contribution to support people in the community over the Christmas period. Food donations will be collected from individual tutor groups in the morning.
Maths Department
Maths Stars
James W 7ERL
Zac W 7AWS
Marlie H 8CWN
Florrie H 9JLR
Oscar W 9AWE/RAR
Jessica H 9AWE/RAR
Tyler B 10NKN
Erin P 11MRT
Maya P 11MRT
Geography Department
Geography Stars
Emily D 7HHN
Honor F-H 7TAS
Jasmine T 7MJS
Ella C 8JBY
Michelle F 11MRA
Mia H 11MRT
English Department
English Stars
Mia T 7ERL
Evangeline C-E 7AWS
Libby J 9HCS
Shaun N 9HCS
Tyler B 10NKN
Jonathan J 11MRT
Mia S 11MAZ
Esme M 11DDN
Amelia O 11EHK
Megan C 11MRA
Science Department
STEM Leaders
Congratulations to the following STEM Leaders who lead a fantastic Science session at Halterworth School for Year 5 students.
Finlay L 10PSN
Jacob M 10CPE
Liam O 10CPE
Adean Y 10KRL/HMS
Computer Science
Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge
Congratulations to the following students who placed in the top 10% of students in the country for the Bebras computational thinking challenge! They receive a gold award and an invitation to the Oxford University Computing Challenge in January.
Intermediate (Year 8/Year 9)
Lara W 8IHS
Antonio D 8RLE
Oliver M 8YDS/AVE
Isla N 8JFR
Flynn T 9SBS (best in school)
Mia P 9SBS
Benjamin F-B 9AOR
Libby J 9HCS
Rowan S 9AOR
Patrick E 9JLR
Lana B 9SBS
Noah M 9HCS
Hannah P 9SBS
Benjamin L 9HCO/CFT
Would L 9HCO/CFT
Scott G 9HCO/CFT
Simon L 9JLR
Saraniya P 9TRN
Seniors (Year 10/Year 11)
Kenneth H 10COY/SDN
Lewis B 10COY/SDN
Matthew W 10DSS
Daniel S 11MRA
Sam H 11MRA (best in school)
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Year 11 Business Studies
This week we were able to secure one final visitor who spoke to students about logistics, manufacturing and the hurdles he has faced setting up his own business. Many thanks to Rob Hart (Altertek) for sharing his interesting stories and his passion for life-long learning. Students will be able to meet finance professionals in the new term once they have completed the finance module.
Year 10 Business Studies
Students visited the Abbey Industrial Estate and Romsey Town Centre in order to find out who some of the local businesses are and will do some further research into their business structures in the classroom. A great research project for our budding entrepreneurs!
Year 10 & Year 11 Young Chefs Academy at City College
City College is looking for students interested in getting a first taste of working in a professional kitchen and within the hospitality and catering industry. The 6-week course costs approximately £80.00. Please register your interest with the Careers Department who will pass on students’ names. The course will only be able to run if there is sufficient interest. To find out more, please click below:
Traineeship with Eastleigh College: please click here.
Industry Spotlight
Technology: would your child like to hear from world’s biggest technology organisations talk about the future of their industry, diving into topics such as AI, Data and Business Analytics, the Cloud and the Future of Blockchain? The webinar will be hosted by IBM, PwC, World Wide Technology, Willis Towers Watson, Capgemini and KPMG. Thursday, 8 December 5.00pm-6.30pm. To register, click here.
Year 11 College Application Deadlines
As a reminder, please see the application deadlines below:
12 December: Peter Symonds
20 January: Barton Peveril
28 February: Brockenhurst
31 March*: City College, Eastleigh, Itchen, Richard Taunton, Sparsholt and Totton College
*Recommended deadline as courses can fill up fast.
Top Tip
Goal 12: Responsible consumption To achieve sustainable development, we urgently need to reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. We have a lot of power as consumers and we need to ensure that we make conscious decisions to buy products that are sustainably sourced.
With Christmas coming up, it is worth thinking about how we can be a little bit more sustainable. Check out these helpful tips from the WWF on how we can all do our bit this festive season.
Toilet Roll Solar System
This week's challenge involves creating a Solar System with Toilet Roll!
In RHSE this half-term, students have made a great start to their discussion based lessons where they have explored a range of topics.
Year 7
Students have been discussing empathy, compassion and community. This has been explored further by spending a few weeks on anti-bullying. Students have discussed what bullying is, what being an upstander is and how to report concerns. Next, they will be looking at what forms a diverse society.
Year 8
Students have been exploring gender identity and sexual orientation as well as discussing the qualities and characteristics of relationships and meaning of consent. Students will be moving on to safe Internet relationships and an introduction to contraception.
Year 9
Students have been following a story over a few weeks exploring peer pressure and gang culture. This has led to discussions on lifestyle choices and drug and alcohol use.
Year 10
Students have been exploring the values of relationships, relationships choices and online relationships. They will be discussing pressure and coercion in the upcoming lessons and also how we should treat victims/survivors.
Year 11
Students started this half-term exploring their core values. They have also covered self-examination as part of our Movember campaign. An example of a video on self-examination can be found here. Check Your Pair – A How-To Guide. Students have responded really maturely and sensitively to this topic. They have also looked at gender identity and are moving on to healthy relationships next.
Should your child wish to seek support in any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
Childline also offer a range of support and resources.
We have also launched our new app/online tool 'TootToot' for students to share concerns with the school.
Hampshire Teen Project
Personal Best Education is offering the Hampshire Teen Project free for children eligible for free school meals during December. Please click here to find out more, or click below to sign up.
Monday 19 December - Thursday 22 December 10.00am - 3.00pm.
Locations in Hampshire are:
Mountbatten School - Romsey
Wyvern College - Eastleigh
Calthorpe School - Fleet
Wildern School - Hedge End
Westside Community Centre - Basingstoke
Henry Court - Fareham
Kings School - Winchester and Hamble
Additionally, they can offer places for young people who meet any of the following criteria:
Children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at risk or vulnerable
Young carers
Looked-after children or previously looked-after children
Children who have low attendance rates at school or who are at risk of exclusion
Children living in areas of high deprivation or from low-income households who are not in receipt of free school meals
A hot lunch and healthy snacks are provided for each young person in attendance.
In this episode, a group of students meet Mr Portas, our new Headteacher, and ask him questions about the things that matter to them. From what makes Mountbatten special through the controversial topic of pineapple on pizza!