This week, students have had an assembly titled “Why are we at School?”. The focus of this assembly was to remind students that we are all here for more than just examination results. At Mountbatten, we want students to go out into the world as successful people and we know that success is far more than a person’s academic qualifications.
That is why, at Mountbatten, we have The 3D Curriculum - a set of qualities and attributes that we believe will help our young people be successful. Our 3D Curriculum includes being: compassionate, resilient, co-operative and thoughtful (We Care); showing tolerance, curiosity, excitement and independence (We Respect) and being leaders, communicators, problem-solvers and creators (We Achieve).
These attributes and qualities are recognised, in part, through epraise points. We want these 3D Curriculum qualities and attributes to be part of students’ conversation at school and at home. Please ask your child:
How were you resilient today? (When students may have had a bad day)
How did you show curiosity in English/Science/History/RSHE?
How can you be a problem-solver? (When students are stuck on a piece of homework)
We strongly encourage all parents and carers to regularly log into epraise (there is an easy guide and link to the website/smart phone apps here) and see what your child gets epraise points for. We want students and parents/carers to celebrate in not just their academic success, but also their success in developing the skills and attributes of our 3D Curriculum.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 28 November
Nothing advised
Tuesday 29 November
Nothing advised
Wednesday 30 November
Music Department - Brass Dectet playing at North Baddesley Junior School 11.15am - 12.55pm
Thursday 1 December
Nothing advised
Friday 2 December
Gym Festival in the Sports Hall 11.00am - 4.00pm
INSET Days for 2022/23
Monday 20 February 2023
Monday 19 June 2023
Friday 21 July 2023
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
Topper Sailing World Champions
Edward S 11RCS competed in the Topper Sailing World Championships in Lake Garda, Italy in July. He came 15th overall, out of a fleet of 170 sailors, in a Topper 5.3.
He also recently competed in the National Series 1 at Island Barn Reservoir, London placing 6th. An amazing achievement, well done!
Year 10 Southampton Hospitals Charity Presentation
In the Summer term, the current Year 10s were busy fundraising for the Southampton General Hospital Intensive Care unit refurbishment. In tutor groups they developed their entrepreneurship by growing their start-up fund on £5.00 and participating in sponsored events such as the water run. They raised over £1,600 as a year group and last week presented the check to Ray who represented the Hospital Charity Trust.
Holiday Activities and Food Programme
Children and young people from low-income families in Hampshire can look forward to an exciting programme of fun activities and nutritious meals over Christmas, courtesy of Hampshire County Council’s Holiday and Activities Food (HAF) programme.
The programme is funded by the Department for Education so that local authorities can offer healthy food and enriching activities in the school holidays to children who receive income-based free school meals during term time. A small number of places are also available on HAF schemes for other vulnerable families.
Please click on the button to view a letter regarding the programme. In addition, please scroll to Personal Best Education's section of the newsletter and view the 'Hampshire Teen Projects' article, as this is what the HAF programme relates to.
Congratulations to our U16 Netball team who won against Swanmore school 30-4. Our U14 team lost 8-6. Players of the match were Amelia C 10KRL/HMS and Eva P 9AOR.
Music Department
Music Theory
Congratulations to Megan R 11RCS who has passed ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 with Distinction
Flute Player International Championship
Congratulations to Emmeline H 9HCS who has been awarded with 1st prize for ‘The Young Flute Player International Championship'
Science Department
STEM Leaders
Well done to the STEM leaders who ran a brilliant session at Halterworth on forces this week:
Sasha L 9SHL/EGE
Eloise G 9NWS
Connor P 9JLR
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Your Child, Your Future Webinar - Updated link
Unfortunately the link didn’t work for Thursday night’s seminar. There is however a recorded version available, please use the link below:
Students are currently studying about entrepreneurship and in order to supplement their learning, we have invited two former students, who now both run their own (very successful) business. Stuart Jones (Upload Agency) and Jamie Sharp (Sharp Talent Management) talked to students how they founded their business, giving tips on how to get started as an entrepreneur and some of the challenges associated with being a business owner. Year 10 Business students will move on to marketing in the new year and will be able to speak to industry professionals in February.
Year 11 College Application Deadlines
As a reminder, please see the application deadlines below:
12 December: Peter Symonds
20 January: Barton Peveril
28 February: Brockenhurst
31 March*: City College, Eastleigh, Itchen, Richard Taunton, Sparsholt and Totton College
*Recommended deadline as courses can fill up fast.
COP27 (Conference of Parties)
This week saw the end of the 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) in Egypt and we have seen some important pledges made, especially in the last few hours of the conference where higher income countries came to a new agreement to support lower income countries who will bear the brunt of climate change impacts.
What has been inspiring to hear throughout the conference are the voices of our young people and the changes that they would like governments to make to create a sustainable future for all. Our students have also had their part to play, not only through having their voices heard in passionate speeches on climate change in the Year 11 speaking exams, but also via our art and geography students who got involved with sending climate action postcards to the delegates in Egypt. These postcards were created by students and put forward their messages for the COP27 delegates. At one point, their postcards were in the main negotiation room on the desks of the conference delegates to read as they discussed climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for our planet. Well done to all the students involved and thank you for reminding us that every action, no matter how small, can help in creating a more sustainable world.
Click on the button below to view some pictures of postcards that our wonderful students have created.
In RHSE this half-term, students have made a great start to their discussion based lessons where they have explored a range of topics.
Year 7
Students have been discussing empathy, compassion and community. This has been explored further by spending a few weeks on anti-bullying. Students have discussed what bullying is, what being an upstander is and how to report concerns. Next, they will be looking at what forms a diverse society.
Year 8
Students have been exploring gender identity and sexual orientation as well as discussing the qualities and characteristics of relationships and meaning of consent. Students will be moving on to safe internet relationships and an introduction to contraception.
Year 9
Students have been following a story over a few weeks exploring peer pressure and gang culture. This has led to discussions on lifestyle choices and drug and alcohol use.
Year 10
Students have been exploring the values of relationships, relationships choices and online relationships. They will be discussing pressure and coercion in the upcoming lessons and also how we should treat victims/survivors.
Year 11
Students started this half-term exploring their core values. They have also covered self-examination as part of our Movember campaign. An example of a video on self-examination can be found here. Check Your Pair – A How-To Guide. Students have responded really maturely and sensitively to this topic. They have also looked at gender identity and are moving on to healthy relationships next.
Should your child wish to seek support in any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
Childline also offer a range of support and resources.
We have also launched our new app/online tool 'TootToot' for students to share concerns with the school.
Hampshire Teen Project
Personal Best Education is offering the Hampshire Teen Project free for children eligible for free school meals during December. Please click here to find out more, or click below to sign up.
This episode features students from every year group and Miss Roodt (Humanities Coordinator) discussing sustainability and how we can all do our bit as a school community to be a bit more sustainable. How can we all be imperfectly sustainable? Listen in for some great top tips from our students and...