My Movember moustache is making me look like a 70s PE teacher at the moment, and it’s fair to say, it hasn’t gone down too well at home! Still, it’s for a good cause.
We are having a big push on homework this year. We know that it’s often an unpopular topic and the cause of domestic stress, BUT, students who do homework make more progress and gain more success than those who don’t. This means that supporting your child at home (even if it’s simply making them sit down and do it, like my parents did!) is a great way to support their success. We are especially interested in removing any barriers that prevent your child completing homework. If you need a hand accessing or understanding epraise or Google Classroom please get in touch with your child’s tutor or Head of Year. If your child is struggling, don’t worry if you’re not able to help, encourage them to see their teacher - we love helping!
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 14 November
Nothing advised
Tuesday 15 November
Nothing advised
Wednesday 16 November
Music Department - Music for Youth at Royal Albert Hall
Thursday 17 November
Club Links & Further/Higher Education Evening - Olympic Hall 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Friday 18 November
Multi-Skills Festival in the Sports Hall 1.30pm - 4.00pm
INSET Days for 2022/23
Friday 25 November 2022
Monday 20 February 2023
Monday 19 June 2023
Friday 21 July 2023
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
As we look ahead to Anti Bullying Week 2022, we can celebrate the wonderful work that our students are putting into becoming upstanders in their school community.
Our Art Department have created competitions across the Lower School from Year 7 designing an Anti-Bullying badge, Anti-Bullying posters from our Year 8s and relaxing inspiration art designs from our Year 9s.
We can also celebrate the work of our Anti Bullying Ambassadors who are working furiously behind the scenes to plan and implement new exciting ways that they can support students, following their jam-packed training at the Diana Awards a few weeks ago.
Finally, all students have received key information from our Prefects as to how to use our new self reporting app Tootoot, implemented school wide to help empower our students to report incidents they may witness or experience in and out of school.
Club Links and Further/Higher Education Evening
Last week we sent parents and carers a letter informing them of the our Community Club Links Evening.
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to come and explore Sports Clubs and Physical Activity on their doorstep. If you would like to attend, please complete the Google Form via the button below.
Kaelyn D and Kendra L both 7TAS, Harry B and Jacob B both 7RAD, Erin K 7HHN, and Jack E 7IBR for gaining the Bronze Award (7books read and reviewed)
Geography Department
Geography Stars
Harry P 7DCR
Sophie H 8JBY
Benjamin L 9HCO/CFT
Evie S 9SBS
Bella W 10CPE
English Department
English Stars
Seva P 7ERL
Alexa H 7ERL
Daniel F 7HHN
Ethan L 7LHK/EPK
Shannon W 8SFN
Megan W 9AWE/RAR
Would L 9HCO/CFT
Emily P 9SBS
Emily H 10COY/SDN
Max B 10DSS
Music Department
Percussion Academy Drum Kit Exams
Congratulations to the following students who have passed Percussion Academy Drum Kit Exams:
Alex S 8JBY Grade 1 with Distinction
Toby R 11EHK Grade 4 with Distinction
Matthew B 8JFR Debut Grade with Distinction
Ashley W 9AOR has achieved Piano Beginner Stage 1 with Merit
Computer Science
Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge
Congratulations to all of the Year 9, 10 and 11 Computer Science students who have taken part in the Bebras Computational Thinking challenge this week. We are looking forward to sharing the results when they come through in a few weeks!
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Year 11 Business studies were visited this week by Phil Clark (Embedded-IT) and Eastleigh College’s Supply Chain course tutors to consolidate their learning and understanding of logistics and the impact technology is having.
On Thursday we invited Romsey’s cadet groups to introduce themselves to students and explain what being a cadet entails. The event was very well attended and students were keen to find out more.
Students took part in a variety of activities this week to celebrate the event. Attached is the parent guide to Green Careers Week
Year 10 & Year 11 British Airways Insight Evening
Are you ready to take your career to new heights? From Pilots to Cabin Crew, Project Management or Business, to Engineering and Digital careers. British Airways, one of the U.K’s most iconic brands has the right career waiting just for you! On Monday 14 November from 5.00pm - 6.00pm we will be hosting an exclusive event with British Airways to showcase the huge range of career opportunities that are available to you after school! To register, click here.
Year 11 KPMG Meet & Greet
Open Evening to learn more about KPMG, the apprenticeships they offer and working environment. Date: 7 December. To register, please click here.
Peter Symonds Medical Science Course Update
The Medical Science course will not be running from September 2023. It is being replaced by the BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Human Biology.
Year 11 Work Experience and Apprenticeship Insight Evening with Mazars
They are a leading international audit, tax, advisory firm. For those interested in careers in business and accounting. Thursday 17 November, 5.00pm - 6.00pm. To register, click here.
College Open Events
12 November: Sparsholt College
23 November: South Wilts Grammar School
24 November: Richard Taunton College
Top Tip
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Goal 17 highlights the importance of a strong commitment to global partnership and cooperation. The world today is more connected than ever before and policies need to be coordinated to ensure that all people benefit from economic development whilst conserving our fragile ecosystems.
As this week saw the start of COP27, we have a round-up of policies proposed so far in this important climate change conference.
- Several countries have made plans to work cooperatively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Norway has agreed to shut down a large oilfield
- New joint energy partnerships are in place to support green energy transition for countries such as India, Indonesia and Senegal.
- HICs and the World Bank have arranged for debt cancellation for NEEs and LICs so that any new money generated can be spent on climate action and environmental protection.
Electric Balloons
This week's challenge is shockingly good fun - what have balloons got to do with electricity?
In RHSE this half-term, students have made a great start to their discussion based lessons where they have explored a range of topics.
Year 7
Students have identified their own tutor group ground rules required to create a safe and secure environment for making their contributions to the discussions taking place in lessons. They have been looking at what teamwork is and how an effective team can drive positive changes. Their transition to secondary school has been a chance to explore how they feel about change and how they can prepare and manage their feelings towards change. How to manage friendships and know what makes a good friend has also formed part of their discussions.
Year 8
Students have been busy identifying their strengths and areas for development by considering their interests, skills and personality traits and then exploring what others recognise in them also. They have also spent time considering personal safety, identifying risks and dangers and what decisions can be made to remain safe, particularly when out in their own time. October is Black History month so Year 8 have been busy exploring discrimination and prejudice as well as stereotyping.
Year 9
As students approach the Upper School, it has been a time to reflect on standards and how they have changed. They have looked at what makes a healthy relationship and the importance of commitment within any form of relationship such as friendships, family and intimate relationships. Students have also looked at the growing importance of media within their lives, considering the importance of Internet safety, alongside the distribution of misinformation and how to spot it.
Year 10
Mental health and well-being has been explored through looking at how the media often portray it and what campaigns have been trying to raise awareness it’s importance. This has been linked to changes and challenges that adolescence can bring to people’s mental health and how positive rethinking can be a tool to encourage positive wellbeing. The signs and symptoms of low mood and poor mental health have been discussed and ways of communicating feelings have been explored, highlighting the differences between healthy and unhealthy coping strategies.
Year 11
Students have started this busy and final year of school by revisiting the high standards that are expected on them and looking at how stereotypes are formed and dealt with, reflecting on their own importance of being non-judgemental and their responsibilities when they leave school. They have also looked at emotional wellbeing with a focus on the pressure that they may feel upon them in the year ahead. Strategies to manage stress and how to balance busy lives with all the expectations to achieve their dreams, even the importance of a good nights sleep. They have looked at their ambitions and what they will need to achieve them, or safety nets in place should something change.
Should your child wish to seek support in any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
Childline also offer a range of support and resources.
Hampshire Teen Project
Personal Best Education is offering the Hampshire Teen Project free for children eligible for free school meals during December. Please click here to find out more, or click below to sign up.
This episode features students from every year group and Miss Roodt (Humanities Coordinator) discussing sustainability and how we can all do our bit as a school community to be a bit more sustainable. How can we all be imperfectly sustainable? Listen in for some great top tips from our students and...