Want to be happy? Then build strong relationships.
It was my great pleasure last week to meet most of the year groups in morning assembly. We discussed what makes people happy and I shared some research about how it is the building of strong relationships which makes us happy, as human beings, rather than the aspiration of many young people to be rich and famous. As a parent myself, I know the one thing I want for my children is for them to be happy in whatever they choose to do with their lives.
Year 8 and Year 9 are having a really interesting term as they make their own choices on what their curriculum will look like next year through the options processes. We are always impressed with how our students carefully consider how different subjects may support them with what they want to achieve, where they may go after Mountbatten and what careers they might wish to pursue. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Year 9 parents for their overwhelming support at the Year 9 Options Evening – this strong relationship between the school and parents/carers is always a recipe for success and happiness for our students.
This term is also very important for our Year 11 students as they take their mock examinations after half-term and carefully consider what their lives will look like in September, after they have left Mountbatten. This is always an exciting, and perhaps slightly daunting, moment in our students’ lives, but we enjoy supporting students to find the right opportunities for each individual. The strong relationship which our staff have with your children always helps.
Year 7 have unbelievably already reached the point where they have completed more than 10% of their time at Mountbatten! We hope that yesterday's Parents' Evening provided parents with a useful insight into how their children are progressing. As the member of the Senior Leadership Team who works with Year 7, I can say that they have certainly been a pleasure so far.
Last but not least, Year 10 have a really exciting opportunity at the end of this term to sample the world of work during our Work Experience Week. I always enjoy hearing the wonderful feedback from employers about how our students have been fantastic additions to the work force. We find many return with a new found maturity and focus, excited about the future and ready to achieve in the GCSE examinations in Year 11.
I hope that you all have a wonderful half-term and thank you to all parents and carers for their continued support of the school.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 19 February INSET Day
MFL Department - Year 11 MFL Speaking Exams
Tuesday 20 February
Nothing advised
Wednesday 21 February
Nothing advised
Thursday 22 February
Year 8 Mini-Options Evening in the Olympic Hall, 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Friday 23 February
Nothing advised
INSET Days for 2023/24
Monday 19 February 2024
Tuesday 18 June 2024
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes.
Parking around the local area
Please may we remind parents/carers to be considerate of local residents when dropping off and collecting children from outside of school. Please do not block residents' driveways or park in designated numbered spaces. We have had several residents on the estate by the Luzborough contact the school to say that there are parents who parking in their designated parking places and then refusing to move when asked by the residents. We would like to be good neighbours with our local residents and your consideration of others is important and much valued. Thank you.
Late Bus Update
Due to the Winchester Road Closure, we will not be running late buses after extra-curricular activities for students from Monday 19 February until Friday 23 February. Please ensure you make alternative arrangements for this week.
Barton Peveril: Schools Competiton 2024
Barton Peveril is excited to invite students from all year groups to demonstrate their artistic ability in their prestigous annual art competiton!
They will be accepting submissions from 6 February - 19 April. All entries must be created solely for the competition; they cannot accept GCSE coursework, artistic copies, existing characters or AI-generated work.
For more information and to sign up, click the button below or scan the QR code in the flyer!
Congratulations to the following students for levelling up on Sparx Maths!
Level 1
Lilah E-C 7ERL
Kacy K 7ERL
Riley S 7JAD
Alice T 7JAD
Matvii K 7TDN
James W 8LHK/EPK
Molly R 10HCO/KMN
Kaya M 10HCS
Andrew B 11RCS
Level 2
Joel F 8CBN
Ethan L 8DCR/BCY
Alejandro C 8DDY
Jacob A 8EGY
Toby S 9RLE
Harriet P 9VGN
Lily-Mae O 9YDS/EGE
Jesse C 10HCO/KMN
Daniel P 10LJS
Bella A 10PWR
Level 3
Beth T 10HCS
Gemma P 10JLR/MSD
Level 4
Jess P 8CBN
Level 5
Filippos A 8EGY
Level 6
Sam H 9JFR
Science Department
Super Scientists
Mariella A 7EHK
Josh D-G 7EHK
Hollie A 8DCR/BCY
Martha A 8MJS/JHR
Alice C 8SGY
Riley D 8LHK/EPK
Florence H 11RCS
Esme H 11NKN
Helena R 11RCS
PE Department
Fixture Results:
The Year 7 Boys' Football team have made it through to the County Cup Final.
The Year 9 Boys' Football team have made it through to the District Cup Semi Final and the County Cup Semi Final.
Year 10 Boys' Football are through to the Semi Final of the District Cup.
Music Department
Percussion Academy Drum Kit Exams
Noah B 8HHN Grade 1 with Merit
Oliver A 8ADY Debut Grade with Distinction
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
T Level Live - Virtual Information Event
T Levels are a revolution in technical education, focusing on high-level technical study and valuable work-ready skills. Equivalent to 3 A-Levels with excellent progression pathways to university or skilled employment.Find out all you need to know about T Levels at this online event, with break-out rooms for more in-depth information on your preferred T Level programme.
Booking is essential to gain online event access. Book now.
Work Experience Opportunity
Students interested in nature and history may want to considering doing their work experience with Mottisfont. Please click here to see flyer.
National Apprenticeship Week
Last year a record number of students from The Mountbatten School successfully secured an apprenticeship in a variety of different industries.
Fareham College (including CEMAST & CETC):28 February, 4pm – 7pm
Sparsholt College: 2 March, 10.00am – 2.00pm
Eastleigh College: 4 March, 4.30pm – 7.00pm
Totton College: 4 March, 4.30pm – 7.30pm
Brockenhurst College: 20 March, 4.00pm – 7.00pm
City College Southampton: 21 March, 5.00pm – 7.00pm
Book Café in the Library (Year 10 & 11 Only)
Year 10 and 11 students are invited to the Library every Wednesday during morning break for the opportunity to take a break from their academic studies.
Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group is exploring in RSHE this term!
Year 7
This half-term, Year 7 will be exploring how to lead healthy lifestyles by considering what health and fitness is before identifying the need for good food, sleep and exercise habits. Students will also explore the impacts of energy drinks and caffeine-based drinks on health and fitness and the law around the sale and consumption of some products. Students will also consider how oral hygiene is important and how lifestyle can affect teeth and gums. Vaping will also be explored, providing students with the opportunity to consider the law, recent guidance and the worrying effects of using E-cigarettes.
Year 8
This half-term, Year 8 will be exploring healthy lifestyles and good physical health, as well as how to maintain emotional wellbeing and self-worth, when using social media. Media bias and different media sources will also be covered, so we can encourage students to consider what influences they may be exposed to and what the reliability and validity of different news sources are.
Year 9
Year 9 will begin the new year by considering what supports healthy living and how to lead a healthy lifestyle at this age. This also includes how to maintain positive mental health and self-worth when using social media. Students will consider how their own self-perception and internet use may be linked and correlated. Students will participate in some basic First Aid training looking at CPR and the recovery position, as well as the use of an AED.
Year 10
Year 10 will kick-start the new term with a recap on healthy living and positive lifestyle choices. Students will be given the opportunity to identify which strategies suit them best when finding relaxation techniques. This then leads into exploring the impacts of drug and alcohol use. Students will consider their current understanding and perceptions of various substances, explore how to manage the risks associated with their use and how to keep themselves and others safe, as well as where to seek advice and information in the future. The influences of gang culture and county lines will also be explored.
Year 11
Year 11 will start the term exploring different stereotypes and ways to challenge them. They will identify what their core values are and how to consider those of others. Students will look at how people identify and explore how they respect the decisions of others. They will also explore why some teenagers are likely to partake in risky behaviours.
Should your child wish to seek support related to any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support Team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot' where students can report anonymously or with their name.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn British Sign Language and embark on a journey of communication, inclusivity, and personal growth with Personal Best Education!