This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health week is "My Voice Matters.” Its aim is to encourage children and young people to explore the many different ways they can communicate and express themselves, whether through art, music, sport, writing, or simply through open dialogue. Our plethora of school clubs create spaces where our students can feel comfortable expressing their emotions and thoughts without fear of judgement. Our Wellbeing Ambassadors are supporting some of our lunch and after-school clubs to provide peer support and company.
As a school community, we are committed to promoting the wellbeing of our students and ensuring that they feel supported and valued. We aim to equip our students with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and confidence throughout our curriculum. Last week, the Safeguarding team delivered assemblies to remind students of what they can do to seek support or guidance and how best to share any concerns they have for friends and peers.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 5 February
Nothing advised
Tuesday 6 February
Nothing advised
Wednesday 7 February
MFL Department - Year 8 MEP Trip to London 7.30am - 4.45pm
Thursday 8 February
Year 7 Parents' Evening (Virtual) 4.15pm - 7.15pm
Friday 9 February
MFL Department - Year 7 MEP Trip to Bay House School 8.30am - 3.00pm
Half-Term: Monday 12 February - Friday 16 February
INSET Days for 2023/24
Monday 19 February 2024
Tuesday 18 June 2024
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
Late Bus Update
Due to the Winchester Road Closure, we will not be running late buses after extra-curricular activities for students from Monday 19 February until Friday 23 February. Please ensure you make alternative arrangements for this week.
Year 9 Options
Year 9 Options closes on Monday 5 February. Please ensure all option choices have been made and parent/carers have approved them through the SIMS Parent App or emailed by this date.
Chinese New Year Celebrations
The Dragon, wise and powerful, is the most important symbol in Chinese culture! It is the only mythical animal in the 12 Chinese zodiacs. It embodies courage, confidence, and adventurous spirit, representing success and ambition. People born in the Year of the Dragon are thought to possess many of these traits.
To celebrate the Chinese New Year of Dragon, The Mountbatten School offers a range of exciting activities, inviting students to explore, experience and expand their knowledge and understanding of this unique culture. These include not only a Cultural quiz competition amongst tutors, cross-curriculum activities in lessons and educational trips, but also a Chinese meal in the canteen (8 February), as well as a bake sale and a bubble tea sale, aiming at supporting the Save the Children charity. Click here to hear from the students on the Mandarin Excellence Programme (MEP) about the celebration programme.
Hampshire Libraries: Online Courses for Parents/Carers in February
Hampshire Libraries are offering free online courses this February. These courses are aimed at Hampshire residents aged 19+. For more information and to book, click the button below.
Congratulations to the following students for levelling up on Sparx Maths!
Level 2
Sophia C 8ADY
Joey McH 8AWS
Amy T 8EGY
Nevaeh H 8HHN
Eve H 8HHN
Chloe M 8SGY
Charley R 9IHS
Phoebe C 9JFR
Josh M 9JFR
James M 9JFR
James L 9RLE
Camilla S 9YDS/EGE
Rowan S 10AOR
Louis L 10HCS
Finley B 10JLR/MSD
George C 10JLR/MSD
Jack R 10PWR
Level 3
Capeson T 9RMN
Emma L 10AWE/RAR
Beth W 10SBS
Level 4
Jack E 8ADY
Sophia T 8ADY
Alex S 9JBY
Geography Department
Geography Stars
Eddie A 7MRA
Niyel S 7JAD
Sophia H 8EGY
MFL Department
MFL Stars
Jamie P 7TDN
Taran V 7TDN
Maisie R 8SGY
Amelia S 9RGY/JGO
James C 9JFR
Finley M 10HCS
Bella W 11RCS
Science Department
Super Scientists
Chloe M 8SGY
Charlie P 9JBY
Liam H 10SBS
Ellie M 11HDE
Emily S-J 11VTE
Kate V 11RLR/SOE
Music Department
Hampshire Music Certificates of Achievement - Flute Playing
Sophia C 8ADY – Introductory Stage
Chloe M 8SGY – Introductory Stage
Harriet W 8SGY – Introductory Stage
Anna L 8DCR/BCY – Stage 3
Tilly U 8HHN – Stage 3
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Year 11 Peter Symonds College Interviews
This week the college conducted their interviews in school and commented on how well students have conducted themselves. Students were well informed, organised and had a good idea about future pathways.
Year 11 Apprenticeships
Please see flyer for the apprenticeship provider PETA.
Year 10 & Year 11 College Open Events
3 February: Sparsholt College
Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group is exploring in RSHE this term!
Year 7
This half-term, Year 7 will be exploring how to lead healthy lifestyles by considering what health and fitness is before identifying the need for good food, sleep and exercise habits. Students will also explore the impacts of energy drinks and caffeine-based drinks on health and fitness and the law around the sale and consumption of some products. Students will also consider how oral hygiene is important and how lifestyle can affect teeth and gums. Vaping will also be explored, providing students with the opportunity to consider the law, recent guidance and the worrying effects of using E-cigarettes.
Year 8
This half-term, Year 8 will be exploring healthy lifestyles and good physical health, as well as how to maintain emotional wellbeing and self-worth, when using social media. Media bias and different media sources will also be covered, so we can encourage students to consider what influences they may be exposed to and what the reliability and validity of different news sources are.
Year 9
Year 9 will begin the new year by considering what supports healthy living and how to lead a healthy lifestyle at this age. This also includes how to maintain positive mental health and self-worth when using social media. Students will consider how their own self-perception and internet use may be linked and correlated. Students will participate in some basic First Aid training looking at CPR and the recovery position, as well as the use of an AED.
Year 10
Year 10 will kick-start the new term with a recap on healthy living and positive lifestyle choices. Students will be given the opportunity to identify which strategies suit them best when finding relaxation techniques. This then leads into exploring the impacts of drug and alcohol use. Students will consider their current understanding and perceptions of various substances, explore how to manage the risks associated with their use and how to keep themselves and others safe as well as where to seek advice and information in the future. The influences of gang culture and county lines will also be explored.
Year 11
Year 11 will start the term exploring different stereotypes and ways to challenge them. They will identify what their core values are and how to consider those of others. Students will look at how people identify and explore how they respect the decisions of others. They will also explore why some teenagers are likely to partake in risky behaviours.
Should your child wish to seek support related to any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support Team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot' where students can report anonymously or with their name.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn British Sign Language and embark on a journey of communication, inclusivity, and personal growth with Personal Best Education! Starting on Wednesday 21 February.