It was lovely to welcome the students back after the Christmas break and see them start the new term with considerably more energy than when we broke up in December! I hope that you’ve all been able to enjoy spending time together as a family and as well as creating new memories.
For our Year 11 students, the return after Christmas signals their last full term with us. It’s the home straight in the run up to GCSE and BTEC exams that shape their future beyond the school gates. For some, it’s the culmination of years of diligence, for others it’s the wake-up call that a final push is needed to achieve the grades to move on to their next steps. What I do know is that the staff will be ready and willing to support them to make it through this final hurdle.
With the new year come New Year’s Resolutions. It’s always interesting to hear what the students say they are going to do differently. Whether it’s setting new personal goals or making a determination to making someone else’s life better, what is important is developing the skills of self-reflection and recognising that we can all effect change for the better.
As the students and staff know, I believe firmly in Gandhi’s mantra of ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world’. I have the quotation on my office door so that all of us in school are reminded that we can each make a positive difference to our world.
So, for this new year of 2024, I wish all in our school community a very Happy New Year; a year filled with good health and, of course, much joy and happiness.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 8 January
Nothing advised
Tuesday 9 January
Nothing advised
Wednesday 10 January
Nothing advised
Thursday 11 January
Year 9 Options Evening in the Olympic Hall, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Friday 12 January
Nothing advised
INSET Days for 2023/24
Monday 19 February 2024
Tuesday 18 June 2024
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes.
Year 9 Exams
A reminder for parents/carers that all Year 9 students will be sitting their Year 9 exams next week in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) in the Sports Hall as detailed in the letter before the holiday (also found in the 'Letters you may have missed' section). Other subjects may conduct their assessments in class and your child will be aware of when these are taking place.
Please continue to have conversations with your child about how they are preparing for these exams. We would also emphasise the importance of good sleeping habits and healthy eating alongside their academic preparation to support their success. We know that by practising these routines and embedding good habits, we are preparing your child for even greater success at GCSE and we look forward to seeing Year 9 demonstrate just how fabulous they are.
Thank you for making sure your child arrives on Monday with all the correct equipment (see our social media posts for further information). We are excited to share details about the forthcoming options process at the Options Evening taking place on Thursday 11 January in the Main Hall at 6.00pm with Year 9 parents and carers – your child is very welcome to attend with you so that they are part of the conversation.
As we welcome all students back to school, this is just a reminder that attendance is critical to school success. If your child is unwell, please remember to contact the school each day by 9.00am via the school switchboard on 01794 502502 (option 1) or by email at
If you do have any specific concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact the school via your child’s tutor who is always there to support them. You can contact your child's tutor by emailing, marking it for the attention of *Tutor Name*.
Please see below a table that summarises how excellent attendance positively impacts your child's progress.
Important Information: Road Closure Monday 12 - Friday 23 February 2024 (Botley Road to Cupernham Lane)
Please be aware that due to planned works on Winchester Road, there will be a road closure from Botley Road to Cupernham Lane. The closure is proposed from Monday 12 February - Friday 23 February 2024. Click here to view the information letter.
Music Tuition - Spring Term
We would like to remind you that music tuition fees for the Spring Term 2024 are now due. Please could you check your Scopay account to check the amount and make your payment.
Fees for the Spring term are £95.00, with the exception of piano tuition which is £120.00 (if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium, please be aware that Pupil Premium discounts will be applied to their accounts soon).
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Text - for study, leading up to examination in the summer of 2025. We intend to start studying this text after the Christmas break. Our letter in the button below outlines how parents can purchase a copy of the text for students to annotate. You may also find the letter in the 'Letters you may have missed' section.
Public Consultation: Proposed Change to Hospital Services around Basingstoke & Winchester
Please click the button below to view a flyer regarding consultation on proposed changes to hospital services around Basingstoke and Winchester. If you would like to have your say, links are in the flyer.
Congratulations to the following students for levelling up on Sparx Maths!
Level 1
Alexa H 8AWS
Louise J 8DCR
Oliver N 9MRT/OJN
Jessica H 10AWE/RAR
Anastasia O 10HCO/KMN
Alex A 10JLR/MSD
Level 2
Rosie F 8ADY
Owen H 8DDY
Elsie C 8HHN
Martha A 8MJS/JHR
Alex F 8SGY
Stella L 9JBY
Dominic R 9JBY
Fleur G 9RLE
Daniel W 9VGN
Elizabeth P 10AOR
Alex B 10AWE/RAR
Ellie M 10JLR/MSD
Isla C 10PWR
Level 3
Lilia M 8CBN
Level 4
Amber J 8DDY
Anabelle B 8HHN
Mia P 10SBS
Level 5
Harrison P 8SGY
Music Department
ABRSM - Trumpet
Congratulations to Capeson T 9RMN who has passed ABRSM Grade 5 Trumpet.
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
T Level Parents' Evening - Thursday 1 February
Fareham College are holding their annual T Level Parents' Evening for parents/carers, school staff and students in Years 10/11 to learn about T Levels. The event will take place on Thursday 1 February, 5.30pm - 7.00pm.
There will be an introductory presentation from the college's Vice Principal, followed by a tour from their Faculty Directors and lecturers. They will present details of T Level courses in different subject areas with information on work experience, course structure, highlights and possible progression routes.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions and speak to current T Level students. This is a great chance to find out about these exciting courses.
The Peter Symonds Admissions team will come to The Mountbatten School the week commencing 29 January, to conduct the application interviews. Individual timetables will be distributed in the week(s) prior to the interviews.
Southampton Engineering Training Association (SETA)
The engineering training provider is offering a workshop Taster Day on Saturday 20 January and an Apprenticeship Jobs Fair on Tuesday 6 February. Please click below to view the flyers for more details and to book a place.
The deadline is on 19 January. No late applications will be considered.
Year 10 & 11 College Open Events
3 February: Sparsholt College
Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group is exploring in RSHE this term!
Year 7
This half-term, Year 7 will be exploring how to lead healthy lifestyles by considering what health and fitness is before identifying the need for good food, sleep and exercise habits. Students will also explore the impacts of energy drinks and caffeine-based drinks on health and fitness and the law around the sale and consumption of some products. Students will also consider how oral hygiene is important and how lifestyle can affect teeth and gums. Vaping will also be explored, providing students with the opportunity to consider the law, recent guidance and the worrying effects of using E-cigarettes.
Year 8
This half-term, Year 8 will be exploring healthy lifestyles and good physical health, as well as how to maintain emotional wellbeing and self-worth, when using social media. Media bias and different media sources will also be covered, so we can encourage students to consider what influences they may be exposed to and what the reliability and validity of different news sources are.
Year 9
Year 9 will begin the new year by considering what supports healthy living and how to lead a healthy lifestyle at this age. This also includes how to maintain positive mental health and self-worth when using social media. Students will consider how their own self-perception and internet use may be linked and correlated. Students will participate in some basic First Aid training looking at CPR and the recovery position, as well as the use of an AED.
Year 10
Year 10 wil kick-start the new term with a recap on healthy living and positive lifestyle choices. Students will be given the opportunity to identify which strategies suit them best when finding relaxation techniques. This then leads into exploring the impacts of drug and alcohol use. Students will consider their current understanding and perceptions of various substances, explore how to manage the risks associated with their use and how to keep themselves and others safe as well as where to seek advice and information in the future. The influences of gang culture and county lines will also be explored.
Year 11
Year 11 will start the term exploring different stereotypes and ways to challenge them. They will identify what their core values are and how to consider those of others. Students will look at how people identify and explore how they respect the decisions of others. They will also explore why some teenagers are likely to partake in risky behaviours.
Should your child wish to seek support related to any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support Team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot' where students can report anonymously or with their name.