As the holiday season is upon us, there's an unmistakable buzz in the air - the scent of freshly baked cookies, the twinkle of festive lights, and the warmth of shared laughter. However, amidst the joy and festivities, it's crucial to remember that the Christmas season is not just about external celebrations. It is also an opportune time to prioritise our emotional and physical wellbeing.
Whether that is seizing moments for mindful movement, like a rejuvenating morning nature walk with the dog or some brisk morning exercise, it’s a perfect opportunity to invigorate your body and clear your mind amidst the festive chaos.
The holiday season often involves indulging in rich foods and treats. I know I am partial to a twiglet or two or even half a tub! But it’s important to balance these indulgences with other nutritious choices which will support your physical health. Maintaining some healthy habits will help you sustain energy levels and keep some of the regular, healthy routines in check. So, fuel your body smartly and enjoy the festive treats in moderation.
The holiday is a time for celebration and spending quality time with loved ones, but it is also a time to reflect on what one is grateful for. Family, friends, pets, your education and good health are some to name a few. We should all be grateful for these things, and it should encourage us all to have a positive outlook on the year ahead.
Wishing you a joyful and relaxing Christmas holiday season!
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 1 January Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2 January INSET Day
Wednesday 3 January INSET DAY
Thursday 4 January
All students return to school at 8.35am
Friday 5 January
Nothing advised
INSET Days for 2023/24
Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 January 2024
Monday 19 February 2024
Tuesday 18 June 2024
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
A massive congratulations and thanks to all the students, staff and Community Choir members who contributed to such a fantastic Carol Service in Romsey Abbey on Tuesday evening.
This is such an important event in the school calendar, and you excelled in every respect. The hard work really paid off, and the event was an overwhelming success. Very many thanks, and a happy Christmas to you all, from all of the Music staff.
If you would like to watch the livestream of the Carol Service, it can be found on the button below.
Find out about Hampshire Parent/Carer Network sessions, which provide a valuable opportunity for parents and carers to come together, discuss important topics, and form connections within the community.
During the Christmas Holidays, there are flu clinics available for children who have missed theirs in school. If you have not yet completed an e-consent form, you will be required to do so before being able to book into a clinic.
Parents/Carers will need their unique booking reference and the link in the button below to book into a clinic.
Congratulations to the following students for levelling up on Sparx Maths!
Level 1
Taylor C 8SGY
Joe T 9IHS
Max H 9OWS
Lilly C 9VGN
Oliver N 10AOR
Layla C 10BHT/CFT
Level 2
Tyrese A 8AWS
Harry P 8DCR
Archie B 8MJS/JHR
Corey F 8MJS/JHR
Mia T 8SGY
Jude M 9IHS
Jake K 9RMN
Maisie B 10AWE/RAR
Ruby B 10BHT/CFT
Autumn V 10JLR/MSD
Alexandra E 10LJS
Isobel S 10LJS
Level 3
Ihsan K 8CBN
Daisy F 8SGY
Joseph N 9OWS
Ella M 10JLR/MSD
Angelika B 10LJS
Level 5
Holly F 8EGY
Geography Department
Geography Stars
Isaac M 7JSL
Noah B 8HHN
Cameron W 9YDS/EGE
Jay T 9RMN
Elizabeth P 10AOR
Mara C 11FBY/JGO
Bella W 11CPE/RCS
English Department
English Stars
Drew W 7ERL
Harry B 8DDY
Amber S 8DDY
Alexie C 9RLE
Music Department
Trinity College Flute Exam
Congratulations to Scarlett K 11RCS who has passed the Trinity College Grade 7 Flute exam.
Mountbatten Christmas Bake-Off
Congratulations to all the students that entered the Mountbatten Christmas bake-off competition last week - the entries were all fantastic.
Mr Portas, Mrs Fisher and Miss Roodt were the judges on the day and found it particularly hard to decide! In the end, Charlotte H 7JAD was our overall showstopper winner with a very impressive 'Buche de Noel'. Freddie M 7JSL received an award for a consistent batch of beautifully decorated batch of cupcakes, and Penny C 7LAD/AGN won the technical award for her florentines. Lorenzo S 7LAD/AGN and Giulio S 7EHK won an award for their authentic Italian biscuits.
A well done from Mrs Daas...
Amy R 7EHK: Amazing manufacturing skills. Thank you for being so supportive on our last session of making!
Basma K 9OWS: Outstanding progress made in Resistant Materials showing high levels skills in modelling.
Kieran K 10LJS: Outstanding progress made in Resistant Materials showing high levels skills in modelling including CAD modelling. Amazing student!
Grace L 11RLR/SOE: Excellent commitment shown in Textiles. Outstanding NEA work being produced. So excited to see your final product!
Luke H 11FBY: Excellent commitment shown in Resistant Materials. Amazing NEA work being produced.
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Year 10 Business Studies
Students spent their final Business Studies lesson of 2023 with serial entrepreneur, Mark Bishop, who talked to students about his experience of setting up multiple businesses, including motivation for success and some of the lessons he has learnt along the way. During the interactive session, students had the opportunity to practise their team-working skills, as well as formulating their own business ideas.
Year 11 College Application Deadlines
Please click hereto see a reminder of the upcoming deadlines. Ideally all students should aim to have applied to at least one college by the end of the year as some courses can fill up fast.
Last half term in RSHE, students made a great start to their discussion based lessons where they have explored a range of topics. The lessons are taught in tutor groups once a week. Teachers use a range of oracy based strategies including a Philosophy for Children approach. This is where students are encouraged to think more deeply through critical, creative, collaborative and caring thinking.
Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group is up to!
Year 7
Students will be identifying their own and others’ rights and responsibilities. This will be explored further by spending a few weeks on anti-bullying on and offline. Students will discuss what bullying is, what being an 'upstander' is and how to report concerns. They will then move on to looking at what a healthy lifestyle is and what young people can do to increase or maintain one. The half-term will finish with looking at the purpose of age restrictions and its links to safety.
Year 8
Students will be exploring the different types of relationships as well as discussing the qualities and characteristics of healthy relationships. This will link to discussing the meaning of consent and be introduced to contraception. We will also cover safe internet relationships and how to stay safe online.
Year 9
Students will be following a story over a few weeks exploring peer pressure and gang culture. This will include discussions on lifestyle choices, peer pressure, drug and alcohol use and knife crime. They will also look at the impacts of the use of e-cigarettes.
Year 10
Students will be exploring the values of relationships, relationship choices and online relationships. They will be discussing pressure and coercion in the upcoming lessons and also how we should treat victims/survivors.
Year 11
Students will be completing some Emergency First Aid training which will lead to a St John’s ambulance certificate, if students fulfil the practical elements of the session. Students will also cover self-examination for Breast and Testicular cancer. An example of a video on self-examination can be found here: Check Your Pair – A How-To Guide. They will also cover sexual health and donor options.
Should your child wish to seek support in any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot' where students can report anonymously or with their name.
Childline also offer a range of support and resources.
Breast Walk Ever Hampshire, May 12 2024
Please see flyer below regarding raising funds for secondary spread breast cancer research at the University of Southampton. To sign up, visit the button below.
Personal Best Education is looking for a British Sign Language tutor to deliver engaging adult classes. If you can help, please email detailing your experience.
For more information, please see the flyer below.
Hampshire Teen Project
Personal Best Education is delivering the Hampshire Teen Project FREE for children eligible for free school meals or for families here from Ukraine, during December.
Monday 18 December - Thursday 21 December 10.00am - 3.00pm.
Locations in Hampshire are:
Mountbatten School - Romsey
Wyvern College - Eastleigh
Calthorpe School - Fleet
Wildern School - Hedge End
Ridgeway Centre - Basingstoke
Kings School - Winchester
A hot lunch and healthy snacks are provided for each young person in attendance.