I love this time of year! As we approach winter, the display of colour which the leaves put on before their final descent is incredible! Although, given the rain we've had, I'm not sure when I dare stand in the garden to pick them up...without sinking!
With Christmas only 5 weeks away, this time can become frantic and busy. It has been good for us all to reflect during 'Anti-Bullying Week' on our responsibilities to ourselves and each other to make Mountbatten a safe and happy place to be. As a parent of two teenage children, I found this year's Parents/Carers booklet really helpful, particularly the section on 'What advice can I give my child?'. The first heading in this section reads, 'be kind and respectful to others'. A good reminder to us all that if we get this one right, then we can make the lives of everyone around us that little bit better.
Monday 20 November
Drama Department - Year 11 Physical Theatre Workshop in the Lantern Theatre, 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Tuesday 21 November
Nothing advised
Wednesday 22 November
Nothing advised
Thursday 23 November
Year 10 Parents' Evening (Virtual) 4.15pm - 7.15pm
Friday 24 November
Nothing advised
Saturday 25 November
Music Department - Wind Band playing at Romsey Christmas Lights Switch On, Winter Carnival and Lantern Parade at the Romsey Town Centre Piazza, 4.45pm - 5.45pm
INSET Days for 2023/24
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 January 2024
Monday 19 February 2024
Tuesday 18 June 2024
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
PE Club Links & Further/Higher Education Evening
The PE Faculty hosted a successful Club Links & Further/Higher Education Evening on Thursday 16 November.
We had 25 clubs, colleges, universities, and scholarship companies join us for the evening. They shared key information with our students and gave them opportunities to find out more about how they can get involved.
Over 140 students took up this opportunity and enjoyed the chance to gather information.
Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended with their child and all the providers who attended the evening.
Consultation on School Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026
Hampshire County Council is seeking your views on proposed changes to the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools in Hampshire (exlcuding Portsmouth and Southampton) for the school year 2025/26.
To view the consultation, or have any comments about the changes outlined, please click the button below.
We are seeking a Higher Level Teaching Assistant or Teaching Assistant to work in the classroom supporting students with a range of special educational needs.
Congratulations to the following students for levelling up on Sparx Maths!
Sampson B 8DDY - Level 2
Archie C 9RMN - Level 2
Freddie H 8LHK/EPK - Level 2
Jack P 10BHT/CFT - Level 2
Matthew S 8DDY - Level 2
Izabela S 8DCR - Level 2
Elise W 8MJS/JHR - Level 2
Nancy L 10TRN - Level 3
Lorilee L 10AOR - Level 4
Ella C 9JBY - Level 6
The Library
Year 7 Reading Safari Stars
Oleksandr M 7JSLfor gaining the Bronze Award (5 books read and reviewed)
Christina T 7MRAfor gaining the Silver Award (10 books read and reviewed)
Gracie G 7JSL for gaining the Gold Award (15 books read and reviewed)
Geography Department
Geography Stars
Tolly C 7EHK
Kacy K 7ERL
Martha H 8DDY
Holly F 8EGY
Josephine M 9YDS/EGE
Clara F 9RMN
Would L 10HCO/KMN
Mia A 11NKN
English Department
English Stars
Ellie B 7ERL
Evie B 7ERL
Mason H 7EHK
Jenson F 7EHK
Harrison P 8SGY
Bradley C 10HCO/KMN
Alfie F 11DDN/HMS
Bella W 11RCS
MFL Department
MFL Stars
Daisy G 7MRA
Luca C 8EGY
Glyn B 8HHN
Jacob E 9VGN
Christopher U 9JBY
Hannah P 10HCS
Max C 11TLS
Mandarin Stars
Daria A 7MAZ
Oliver S 7TAS
Ben G 8HHN
Tilly U 8HHN
Samuel H 9IHS
Edie-Rose O 9RGY/JGO
Science Department
Super Scientists
Ivy H 7TDN
Alex H 8AWS
Imogen K 9RGY/JGO
Arielle L 9OWS
Gabby D C 9JBY
Umar T 10PWR
Mara C 11FBY
Keira C 11COY/SDN
Amar L M 11PSN
Jacob H 11TLS
Music Department
Congratulations to Emily H 8CBN who has achieved Piano Beginner Stage 1 with Distinction.
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre
Ella M 10JLR/MSD has passed ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Grade 3 with Merit.
Zara W 11PSN has passed ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Grade 5 with Distinction.
PE Department
Year 11 Boys' Football: Mountbatten School drew 2 - 2 against Thornden School (away)
Year 7 Boys' Football: Mountbatten School won against Swanmore College
U12 Netball: Mountbatten School won against Henry Beaufort
U13 Netball: Mountbatten School won against Henry Beaufort
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Year 11 Business Studies
This week we welcomed Paul U. to one of our Business Studies lesson where he spoke to students about his experience in the logistics branch, relating study topics to real life examples within the logistics sector. Further events have been planned over the next few weeks.
College Open Events
18 November: City College Southampton
23 November: Brockenhurst College – Marchwood Maritime & Construction
25 November: Richard Taunton College
Last half term in RSHE, students made a great start to their discussion based lessons where they have explored a range of topics. The lessons are taught in tutor groups once a week. Teachers use a range of oracy based strategies including a Philosophy for Children approach. This is where students are encouraged to think more deeply through critical, creative, collaborative and caring thinking.
Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group is up to!
Year 7
Students will be identifying their own and others’ rights and responsibilities. This will be explored further by spending a few weeks on anti-bullying on and offline. Students will discuss what bullying is, what being an 'upstander' is and how to report concerns. They will then move on to looking at what a healthy lifestyle is and what young people can do to increase or maintain one. The half-term will finish with looking at the purpose of age restrictions and its links to safety.
Year 8
Students will be exploring the different types of relationships as well as discussing the qualities and characteristics of healthy relationships. This will link to discussing the meaning of consent and be introduced to contraception. We will also cover safe internet relationships and how to stay safe online.
Year 9
Students will be following a story over a few weeks exploring peer pressure and gang culture. This will include discussions on lifestyle choices, peer pressure, drug and alcohol use and knife crime. They will also look at the impacts of the use of e-cigarettes.
Year 10
Students will be exploring the values of relationships, relationship choices and online relationships. They will be discussing pressure and coercion in the upcoming lessons and also how we should treat victims/survivors.
Year 11
Students will be completing some Emergency First Aid training which will lead to a St John’s ambulance certificate, if students fulfil the practical elements of the session. Students will also cover self-examination for Breast and Testicular cancer. An example of a video on self-examination can be found here: Check Your Pair – A How-To Guide. They will also cover sexual health and donor options.
Should your child wish to seek support in any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot' where students can report anonymously or with their name.
Personal Best Education is delivering the Hampshire Teen Project free for children eligible for free school meals or for families here from Ukraine, during December.
Monday 17 December - Thursday 21 December 10.00am - 3.00pm.
Locations in Hampshire are:
Mountbatten School - Romsey
Wyvern College - Eastleigh
Calthorpe School - Fleet
Wildern School - Hedge End
TBC - Basingstoke
Kings School - Winchester
A hot lunch and healthy snacks are provided for each young person in attendance.
Personal Best Education offer a range of adult classes designed to maintain physical and mental well-being as well as learning opportunities. For more information and to book, click the button below: