At our school we know that students achieve excellent test and examination results.
What makes our school special is that we value other qualities and characteristics just as highly as academic success.
We prepare students to become:
Rounded individuals of integrity
Successful in the world of work
Happy and fulfilled young people
The 3D Curriculum is how we describe the qualities and characteristics that we value, develop and reward in every aspect of school life. Those qualities are:
WE CARE – We are:
Compassionate – caring for and supporting others
Resilient – keeping going and doing our best, even when things get tricky
Cooperative – working with others to succeed together
Thoughtful – thinking carefully about our opinions and actions
WE RESPECT – We show:
Excitement – by being enthusiastic and putting effort into our learning
Curiosity – by showing interest in everything and asking questions
Independence – by taking responsibility for our learning and our decisions
Tolerance – by understanding that others are different to us, not better or worse
WE ACHIEVE – We become:
Leaders – taking action and inspiring others to make the world a better place
Communicators – listening, and using words to make ourselves understood
Problem-solvers – using all our skills and learning to find solutions
Creators – using our imaginations to make (and think) new things
All epraise points are linked to one of these qualities, giving you the opportunity to discuss their importance with your child. Thank you for your support.
Lockdown Drills
Much like fire drills, there is an expectation on schools to practise what to do in the unlikely event of a lockdown. Prior to half-term, the school will rehearse the procedures for this, to ensure that everyone is clear of the procedure. As tutors will be briefing students about this, please reassure your child that this is normal practice in schools and other public buildings.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 16 October
Nothing advised
Tuesday 17 October
Nothing advised
Wednesday 18 October
Autumn Concert at Romsey Abbey. Rehearsals begin at 9.45am. Concert is 7.00pm - approx. 9.30pm
Thursday 19 October
Year 11 Parents' Evening (Virtual) 4.15pm - 7.15pm
Friday 20 October
The Gambia Expedition departs. Students to arrive at school at 3.15am. (Returns 28 October, approx 12.30am)
Thursday 26 October - Tuesday 31 October
MFL Department - Loire Valley Trip
23 October - 27 October: Half-term break. Students return on 30 October at 8.35am
INSET Days for 2023/24
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 January 2024
Monday 19 February 2024
Tuesday 18 June 2024
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes
Year 11 GCSE Maths – Weekly Practice Paper Homework Launch
In preparation for the GCSE Maths exams in summer 2024, we are launching our weekly homework programme of practice papers with our Year 11 students.
Each Friday, Year 11 students will receive a whole GCSE practice paper to complete over the course of the following week. We operate a “No Gaps” policy - every student is required to complete every question in the paper as directed by their teacher. Some questions may be marked as optional, depending on the group.
These papers are not intended to be completed under exam conditions, nor are they intended to be completed in isolation. Students are encouraged, where appropriate, to complete these in collaboration with their peers and to use revision notes, guides or online resources such as Sparx Maths. The class teacher will be marking these papers in line with exam board mark schemes, so it is vital that students show full workings, i.e. if a student’s response to a 5-mark question is to simply record the answer, they will achieve (at best) 1 mark.
Initially, the papers will be challenging as students gain familiarity with the style of the papers and the exam-specific practice of hopping from one topic to another. We firmly believe that the best way to learn Maths is to DO Maths with lots of practice. Research has shown that interleaving topics in this way has a profound effect on exam performance. We attribute a significant part of our GCSE success over the last few years to the use of these weekly papers and students tell us they REALLY make a difference.
GCSE Maths revision guides and workbooks continue to be available for sale. These can be purchased on SCOPAY. Sets 1-3 require the Higher tier and Sets 4-6 the Foundation tier books.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Autumn Concert - Wednesday 18 October 2023, 7.00pm
Reminder for students taking part
There will be rehearsals in Romsey Abbey on Wednesday 18 October beginning at 9.45am. Students making their own way to Romsey Abbey should arrive between 9.30am and 9.45am.
Students taking the minibus from school to Romsey Abbey should arrive at school at the usual time. Go to registration as usual, then meet in the Lantern Theatre at 9.00am.
Students taking the coach/minibus back to school at the end of the rehearsals will arrive at school in time for the school buses home.
Please bring a packed lunch or money to buy lunch in Romsey. A packed lunch will be provided for students in receipt of free school meals.
Students should wear school uniform during the day and in the evening.
The concert will begin at 7.00pm; performers will need to arrive no later than 6.40pm. We expect to finish at around 9.30pm. Please arrange for your child’s safe journey home afterwards.
Actual Salary Details: Grade B £16,249 - £16,478/Grade C £16,519 - £17,252 (depending on experience)
30.83 hours per week, Monday to Friday 8.25 am to 3.15 pm – 39 weeks per annum
Congratulations to the following students for levelling up on Sparx Maths!
Malaki Z 10TRN - Level 1
Evan C 10BHT/CFT - Level 1
Amber S 10LJS - Level 2
Zina K 10TRN - Level 2
Ollie B 10HCS - Level 2
Jessica F 10AOR - Level 2
Eva C 10JLR/MSD - Level 2
Libby G 10LJS - Level 2
Airah S 10BHT/CFT - Level 2
Carlos K 10TRN - Level 2
The Library
Year 7 Reading Safari Stars
Abigail P 7LAD/AGN, Erin M 7JSL andEllie M 7JAD for gaining the Bronze Award (7 books read and reviewed)
Eiza U 7JSL for gaining both the Bronze & Silver Awards
Geography Department
Geography Stars
Liza B 7MRA
Robyn G-M 7JAD
Jack E 8ADY
Abigail R 8CBN
English Department
English Stars
Alfie B 7ESY/GWT
Isaac B 8MJS/JHR
Finley L-S 8EGY
Charlie H 8HHN
Matilda T 8LHK
Holly F 8EGY
Phoebe C 9JFR
Niamh H 9RLE
Jacob G 11COY/SDN
Sonny C 11PSN
MFL Department
MFL Stars
Indiana F 7LAD/AGN
Jacob B 8DCR
Jay T 9RMN
Charley R 9IHS
Skye M 10AWE/RAR
Sara O 11DDN/HMS
Julia C 11FBY/JGO
Mandarin Stars
Lorenzo S 7LAD/AGN
Megan C 7MAZ
Lucy W 8DDY
Tadleigh C 8CBN
Jess T 9JFR
Business Department
Business Stars
Edward H 10SBS
Isla D 10HCS
Lillie-Belle F 11DSS
Mara C 11FBY/JGO
Science Department
Super Scientists
Matilda T 8LHK/EPK
James M 8EGY
Jesse C 8LHK/EPK
Holly F 8EGY
Charley R 9IHS
Rachel J 9IHS
Violet C 9IHS
George H 9JFR
Michelle D 10BHT/CFT
Lewis B 11COY/SDN
Music Department
Certificate of Achievement - Piano
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Certificate of Achievement for Piano Beginner Stage 1 with Merit –
Zach L 7MAZ
Xander L 7MRA
Design and Technology
A well done from Mrs Daas...
Liza B 7MRA:Excellent manufacturing skills when making mould for pewter keyring.
Connor B 9YDS/EGE: Excellent commitment shown to the subject. Amazing progress made in drawing skills.
Would L 10HCO/KMN: Excellent commitment shown to the subject showing high level skills in hand and CAD drawing.
Oscar C 11VTE: Excellent commitment shown during NEA. Has made so much progress in the subject with a willingness to exceed target grade.
Freya R 11DSS: Excellent commitment shown during NEA. Has made so much progress in the subject with a willingness to exceed target grade.
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
Labour Market Information
Research has shown that three-quarters of UK firms are still struggling to recruit staff, but the post-pandemic 'jobs boom' appears to be in decline, with hiring intentions continuing to fall last month.
A survey by the British Chambers of Commerce found that 73% of the almost 5,000 companies it polled had faced hiring difficulties in the July to September quarter – a 9% drop from the record high of 82% in the final three months of 2022.
The BBC report that the hospitality sector continues to suffer the most from recruitment difficulties, with 79% experiencing problems, followed by construction and manufacturing (both 78%).
However, there are signs that this tightness in the labour market is starting to ease, with separate research from the advisory group BDO showing that hiring intentions fell again in September.
Year 11: A debate on going to university VS not going to university
Join 'Not Going to Uni' on Friday 13 October for an evening of games and chatter. We'll be discussing apprenticeships, the advantages of not going to uni, debating the differences 'going to uni' vs 'not going to uni' with some current University of Kent students, and looking at how you can kickstart a whole variety of careers.
We'll be playing:
4.00pm: FIFA
5.00pm: Formula 1
6.00pm: Farming Simulator
7.00pm: Golf with My Friends
Join us for a relaxed evening where you can ask questions and engage with our ambassadors. To join via Twitch, click here. To join via YouTube, click here.
Upcoming College Open Events
14 October: Brockenhurst College
14 October: Itchen College
20 October: Bishop Wordsworth Grammar School Sixth Form
Reading Safari Stars
Has your child joined in yet? Students can read and review 5 books to win a prize and a certificate.
Silent Reading
After the success of the silent reading on World Mental Health Day, we will be introducing 'Mental Health Mondays'. Silent reading every Monday - what a relaxing way to start the week!
This will start after half-term, every Monday lunch time.
RSHE (Relationships, Sex, & Health Education) is delivered by form tutors to their tutees, once a week. Tutors deliver discussion-based lessons which allow our students to explore a range of topics to effectively prepare our young people for success in the modern world with the knowledge, understanding and desire to keep themselves safe, happy, healthy, respectful and tolerant. Our aim is to empower them with the resilience and confidence to make a difference to their own and others’ future.
Click on the tabs below to find out what each year group is up to!
Year 7
This half-term, Year 7 will be looking at how to deal with starting secondary school, dealing with change and how to grow self-confidence. They will also explore how friendships may change, form and develop as well as how communication is a valuable tool to manage friendships. Year 7 will then look at how to show empathy, compassion and care.
Year 8
Year 8 will be starting with identifying their personal strengths and achievements. They will then explore personal safety and move on to looking at the meaning of discrimination and prejudice and what protective characteristics are. After this, they will learn about Black History month and gender identity.
Year 9
Year 9 will be looking at what a healthy relationship is and how to recognise the features of them. They will explore the meaning of commitment within a range of different relationships. They will then move onto discussing internet use and digital safety.
Year 10
Year 10 will be developing their knowledge of changes during adolescence and how to reframe negative thinking and develop self-confidence. They will then explore positive mental health and how to maintain emotional well-being.
Year 11
Year 11 will be exploring the impacts of peer-pressure and the strategies they may employ to reduce it. They will consider their own ambitions and aspirations before hearing from some colleges in readiness for their post-16 applications. They will then look at the need for good sleep hygiene and how to deal with different emotions.
Bookings are now open for the Personal Best October Holiday Camp! From sports to arts & crafts and plenty of outdoor fun, your children are sure to have a great time during Autumn half-term! Book now to secure your child's place.
Personal Best's fitness class, Legs, Bums & Tums is every Tuesday 7.00pm - 8.00pm. Only £6.00 per person! Great for toning those areas, building strength, as well as a great way to keep fit.
Looking for a new challenge? Why not learn Spanish? The world's second-most spoken language in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere! Starting Thursday 21 September - first session is free and full refund issued if you decide it is not for you. For more information and to book, click below.